Pete Williams serves as Captain of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office supervising Patrol, Investigations, Narcotics, and Special Operations. He is the SWAT Team Commander and holds the prestigious title of Master SWAT Operator. He is a State Certified Instructor specializing in SWAT Tactics, Advanced SWAT/Hostage Rescue Tactics, Less Lethal Munitions, Sound Flash Distraction Device Instruction, and Narcotics Enforcement. He has over 25 years of Law Enforcement Experience hailing from South Central Florida where he has worked for the Florida Department of Corrections and the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. He is married to Shyla Williams, and has four children Tanner, Kyla, Abi, and Kaden.
Staff Instructor
(601) 633-5166
182 Partnership Way, Suite-A, Columbia, MS 39429