This firearms instructor development program will provide experienced officers with the instructional skills and detailed training that will allow them to equip their students with proper firearms handling skills (handgun & shotgun).
This is a BLEOST approved program.
- Minimum three years law enforcement, military, or security experience with departmental approval for attendance
- Laptop with PowerPoint program
- Duty standard semi-automatic handgun and holster, with a minimum of three (3) Magazines and double or triple magazine pouch
- 12-gauge pump shotgun with sling
- 700 rounds of handgun ammunition
- 50 rounds of 7 ½ 12-gauge shells, 25 00 buckshot, and 25 Slugs
- Eye and ear protection
Registration & Accommodations
Contact CLETA at (601) 633-5166 or for information or registration.
Basic barracks are available for $25 per night or we have an MOU with the Magnolia Inn for $65 per night which includes free breakfast and wi-fi. Contact us for more information or registration.